Visible DPSS Lasers

 Dream Lasers designs and manufactures cost effective ultra-compact Diode Pumped Solid State Lasers. Our lasers feature with high reliability, high stabilityhigh efficiency,andexcellent laser beam quality. These lasers are specificly designed for OEM, scientific and industrial use.

 Dream Lasers A diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) laser has the beam quality of a gas laser and the small size and efficiency of a diode laser, with single-line output in the violet(430nm,435nm), Deep blue (457nm), bule (473nm), green (501nm, 515nm, 523nm, 526nm, 532nm, 543nm, 556nm, 561nm), Yellow (589nm, 593nm) or Red (660nm, 671nm), As part of this DPSS laser design, a standard semiconductor diode laser is used to optically pump a small chip of lasing material to generate a fundamental frequency. For blue or green light, a frequency-doubling crystal is inserted into the laser cavity. Finally, extracavity beam conditioning optics are added to enlarge and collimate the beam.

 Dream Lasers DPSS lasers are available for a range of laboratory and industrial applications. Our DPSS (diode pumped solid state) lasers are widely used in application areas such as biotechnology,semiconductor instrumentation, inspection, material processing and reprographics.

The laser has many applications:

 Laser Entertainment  Laser Alignment
 Scanning  Nondestructive Testing Devices
 Holography  High Resolution Display
 Spectroscopy  Underwater Imaging & Surveying
 Wafer Inspection  Cell Sort
 Laser Printing Industry  Fluorescence excitation
 Optical Communication  DNA Sequencing
 Optical Data Storage  Flow Cytometry
 Medical & Chemical Devices  Architectural Tools

 If you need special configurations or wavelength of the visible DPSS laser, please contact Dream Lasers directly.

Order Information
Output Wavelength
430nm, 435nm, 457nm, 473nm
501nm, 515nm, 523nm, 526nm,
532nm, 543nm, 556nm, 561nm
589nm, 593nm, 660nm, 671nm
Output Power 
430/435nm: 1~10mW
457nm: 1~9000mW
473nm: 1~1000mW
501/515/589nm: 1~5mW
523nm: 1~500mW
526nm: 1~800mW
532nm: 1~15000mW
543nm: 1~100mW
556/561nm: 1~300mW
593nm: 1~900mW
Laser Module Sort
Without Temperature Electric Cooling
With Temperature Electric Cooling
Laser Module
Line Output
Low Noise
Single Longitude Model