Dream Lasers designs and manufactures cost effective ultra-compact Diode Pumped Solid State Lasers. Our lasers feature with high reliability, high stability, high efficiency, low noiseand excellent laser beam quality. These lasers are specificly designed for OEM, scientific and industrial use. Abstract A design of LD-pumped high efficient Nd:YVO4/LBO red laser is reported Using critical aaphasc-matching LBO for the first time 671nm red laser is obtained by 1.342μm intracavity frequency doubling. With 800mW Incident pump laser,52mW and 97mW TEM00 mode red laser output are obtained by II-typed and I-typed LBO. The optical-to-optical conversions are up to 6.5% and 12.1% respectively. Characteristics Degradation of Phenol by Pseudomonas sp. Phen 8 and Screen of 2ts Mutants |